911 for Emergency / Non-emergency 801-840-4000 [email protected]

How Search and Rescue Callout Works

A 9-1-1 Call

It all starts when someone needs help, and they call 9-1-1.


911 dispatch’s UPD Canyon Patrol Officers who are then respond to the scene.

UPD Canyon Patrol

A UPD Canyon Patrol officer ensures the emergency meets certain searcher safety requirements and then determines if Search and Rescue is needed.  If it’s determined that SAR is needed then a page will go out to all members on the team.

All members are Paged Out

A text message goes out to all search and rescue team members. The text gives a staging location, the kind of callout it is, and what the members will need to bring.

Members Deploy

SAR members then have time to asses their ability to respond.  If they decide they can  respond, they get their gear ready and head to the staging area.


Members arrive at the command post at the designated callout location in the field and check in with command. They then receive their team and mission assignments and get ready to head out.

The Mission

The members are broken up into teams with a squad leader.  Command will determine what gear each team will take up the mountain   Team one is usually a hasty team.  There main job is to find and get to the patient and determine the patients current status and determine what the best way to get the patient off the mountain will be and what gear the other teams should bring up the mountain.   Typically, missions last an average of 1 to 6 hours.

Wrap Up

When mission operations are finished, all members return to the command post to sign out.  A mission debrief meeting then takes place and all gear is safety checked and put away.